Episode 6

Published on:

26th May 2020

How to develop and maintain a (yoga) practice

How to start, develop and maintain a practice throughout the ups and downs of life (both big and small). You are not alone, we have all been there! In this episode we share our own experiences and tips to help you keep showing up for yourself. Enjoy!

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About the Podcast

The onion peelers
Lana & Mercedes
Welcome to The onion peelers podcast. We are Lana and Mercedes, yoga nerds, cat lovers, life inquirers and the proud owners of The Breathing Space in Amsterdam.

Through this podcast we aim to peel back the layers of our experience to reveal the heart of the matter. To ask life's questions, to explore our minds and open our hearts. We hope to pique your curiosity, encourage self-reflection and inspire compassion so that together we can be better.

Connect with us! www.thebreathingspace.nl / Awesome Illustration by Simon Flöter
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About your host

Profile picture for Lana Mercedes

Lana Mercedes

We are Lana and Mercedes, yoga nerds, cat lovers and life inquirers. We are also the proud owners of The Breathing Space in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.